Week Eight, Term 3 Homework Tasks
We are having a homework free week after our huge efforts last week for our speeches and also for the organisation of the disco.
Well done Matai Team
Week Seven, Term 3 Homework Tasks
Week Six, Term 3 Homework Tasks
We are having a homework free week after our huge efforts last week for our speeches and also for the organisation of the disco.
Well done Matai Team
Week Seven, Term 3 Homework Tasks
Children have been asked to sell 5 raffle tickets at $2.00 each for our Bannockburn Camp Fundraiser. All the details are on the ticket. If your child is not able to sell these tickets or all of them can you please get them to bring them back to school so they can be given to someone else to sell.
Other preparations for camp are coming along nicely. If anyone is available on Friday to help out at the disco can you please contact me at school. We will just need some adults to help supervise at the disco.
All the children are working really hard in class with disco preparations and they are very excited about Friday. We hope you can be there to support us!
Children will be bringing home their speeches to learn this week. They will need to write these onto cards if they have not already done so and practice nightly.
Students will need to work on the presentation of their speech: looking at the audience, projecting their voice, using expression, talking at a good pace and standing up straight.
Please make sure you listen to your child’s speech and give them encouragement and guidance as speeches can sometimes be a scary thing to do in front of their peers.
Week Six, Term 3 Homework Tasks
Can everyone please bring their non-perishable food item for our camp raffle by Tuesday please. Make sure the expiry date has been checked.
Kitchen Chemistry:
Your job this week is to construct a kitchen chemistry experiment at home. A great place to find kitchen chemistry experiments are at Room 4‘s blog in Lawrence:
We will also brainstorm and share ideas for experiments in class if people are a little stuck.
Before you carry out your experiment write down your hypothesis (what you think is going to happen and why). After your experiment write down what happened and what the science behind it was. Be prepared to share your findings on Friday. Mathematics:
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
We have just started our unit on fractions, decimals and percentages this week. There are some excellent interactive games children can play online. Select a game at your level on:
Week Five, Term 3 Homework Tasks
Thanks to everyone who has already returned their camp permission slips and health consent forms. If these can all be back on Wednesday that would be much appreciated.
School Camp Preparation:
As part of our fundraising efforts for camp we will be having a school disco on Friday the 16th of September. Your job is to create a poster to advertise the school disco so students will want to attend. It will need to have information about the disco: time, place, cost. You will also need to make sure it stands out and has a balanced amount of pictures and information on it to attract children to come. You will need to bring this to school on Friday. We will vote for the best poster to go in the newsletter.
Mathematics: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
We have just started our unit on fractions, decimals and percentages this week. There are some excellent interactive games children can play online.
Go to http://www.coolmath4kids.com/fractions/ and complete the activity:
Fractions: What are they?.
Hello Matai team, it's Room 4 from Lawrence Area School here. Thanks for checking out our blog, especially our kitchen chemistry experiments. We hope it is useful to you all.