Welcome to Matai Team's Blog. We are a vibrant bunch of Year 5 & 6 children from Clutha Valley Primary School. CVPS is located in South Otago, New Zealand. We love the outdoors. You can often find us running around outside playing games at any time of the year. Check out our blog to find out what we have been learning in our journey of growth...

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Pop Fountain Science Experiment

To start off our kitchen chemistry unit we carried out an experiment called 'Pop Fountain'. This is our experiment...

Question: What will happen to the fizzy drink when mints are added?

Hypothesis: We think the mints will mix with the coke and it will fizz and froth up and explode. There will be big bubbles at the bottom of the bottle. So we think carbon dioxide will cause pressure and ozze coke over the sides.

1.5 litre Coke bottle
9 mints
2 pieces of card

1. Take the lid off the bottle of coke.
2. Put the card over the bottle neck
3. Roll up the tube of card and tput over the neck of the bottle
4. Put the mints into the tube
5. Pull the card away slowly so the mints drop into the bottle. RUN!

Investigation Results:
When we put the mentos into the coke the it erupted causing foam to spew up out of the bottle. The reason for this is coca cola contains carbon dioxide gas that has been forced into the liquid under pressure. When you unscrew the lid, it releases the pressure and the carbon dioxide forms bubbles. When we added the mentos it helped the bubbles escape so quickly that the erupted out of the bottle in foam.

Check out these pictures:

Getting ready for the mentos to go into the coke....

Getting ready to run!

The audience waiting in anticipation....

Look at what happens!

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